


English Surfaces Castleton Beautiful Art Photo Prints

English Surfaces Castleton pictures – Picturesque place art photo by photographer Paul E Williams.


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English Surfaces Castleton – Beautiful Place Art photo Prints

Situated in the North Yorks Moors National Park Castleton is a village with old Yorkshire style houses, built in the early 1800’s, through to what used to be affordable housing built in the 1980’s. New development in the village is severely restricted by the National Park authority. Being high up in the Moors Castleton used to get severe winter snow falls. In recent years, thanks to global warming, snow is lighter in the winters. When the snow fall tough it transforms Castleton with a dusting of white magic.

The people of Castleton are by and large down to earth, with a strong sense of community and tradition. Most people vote Conservative which is one of the great contradiction of the British. Their roots are in the working classes yet their sense of tradition, and therefore national pride , make them feel they have to vote Conservative, even those Conservative governments have failed for over 40 years to make their lives better.

This misplaced sense of national identity is one of the reasons why Britain voted leave the EU. The leave voters in the village no longer talk about Brexit as they now know they had been sold a lie, and its all been a big mistake.

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