


In Time & Space Beautiful Castleton Landscape Photos Prints

In Time & Space landscape Photos Prints 3 – Beautiful colour art photos of Castleton , North Yorks Moors. Art Photo prints by photographer Paul E Williams. 


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In Time & Space Photos of Moors Village Castleton through the Year 2

Eskdale is a long glacial valley that runs from Westerdale head 18 miles to Whitby, where the river Esk enters the sea. Danny Dale is a shorter glacial valley that joins Eskdale, forming a long hilly ridge ontop of which is built Castleton. If the houses were all of a traditional Yorkshire style this hill top village would be one of the most picturesque in Yorkshire.

Sadly the incoherent jumble of house styles prevents Castleton from being picturesque, but it is not ugly either. Its setting is quite spectacular, which sadly is invisible to those who drive through the village. From the top of the Howe, a hill overlooking Castleton, its setting can be enjoyed and I am lucky enough to have this for my daily ramble. I hope you enjoy Castleton through the year. Photo art prints by photographer Paul E Williams

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