


Chartres the Powerful Beauty of the West Portal Sculptures

Chartres Cathedral – Photos of the amazing medieval Gothic Sculpture of the West & South facade by Paul E Williams

Wall Art Photos of the Gothic Chartres Sculpture of the West facade

Chartres – The Amazing medieval Gothic Sculpture of the West & South facade – The main or Royal entrance to Chartres Cathedral is decorated with wonderful Gothic statues and sculptures. Black & white monotone art photos by photographer Paul E Williams.

One of the great Medieval Gothic Cathedrals of the Christian world is Chartres Cathedral which was constructed in 1194. The Cathedral of Chartres was built quickly over 26 years. This short period allowed a coherence in its design as it did not suffer from the endless alterations that other Gothic Cathedrals built over longer periods suffer from.

Chartres Gothic West Facade Portal

There are three public entrances to Chartres all of which have gothic portals decorated with gothic sculptures and bas reliefs. The West facade has 3 portals which make up the Royal portals. The tympanum above the central portal shows gothic sculptures of Christ in Majesty surrounded by the four Evangelist Symbols. The inner archivolt contains angels. On the two outer archivolts are the twenty-four elders of the Apocalypse. On the lintel are the twelve Apostles flanked by two other figures holding scrolls.

The tympanum of the left door shows the Ascension or the Second Coming. Christ (crossed halo) stands on a cloud, supported by two angels. Below are four angels some of them have their mouths open. On the lintel below are ten seated men holding books or scrolls and looking upward. On the archivolts are the Signs of the Zodiac and the Labors of the Months, The Tympanum above the right door shows the Virgin and Child enthroned, flanked by angels.

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