


Photos of Beautiful Ancient Egyptian Tomb Art & Goods

Photos of the Beautiful Ancient Egyptian Tomb art paintings and tomb goods of Ancient Egypt – From the best museums of Europe & Near East. Photos by photographer Paul E Williams. (TIP – use the icons below the slideshow for thumbnail photos and info)

Photos of Ancient Egyptian Tomb Art Paintings & Tomb Goods

Photos of Ancient Egyptian tomb paintings and sculpture including funerary stele and tomb wall art.

The ancient Egyptians had a very complex set of burial beliefs that developed to aid and provide everything the deceased would need in the Afterlife. Ancient Egyptian tomb art has little meaning to modern eyes and can look bewildering but its iconography and meaning was well known to Ancient Egyptians.

Traditionally inside the doorway of ancient Egyptian tombs was a decorated stele in stone or wood which depicted the deceased at a funereal feast or being led to the gods. It from the inscriptions on these stele that archaeologists can work out whose tomb it was.

The inside of the elites tombs were lavishly decorated with illustrated panels with hieroglyphic texts to the gods and with spells to aid the deceased to travel to the Afterlife. A tomb would have been filled with everything the deceased would need in the next world from food in decorated containers to furniture and gold valuables.

Wood models were made depicting people making bread of undertaking other activities that the deceased would need. Wood models were made of the servants the descaled would need to make his or her life comfortable in the next world.

Every comfort was provided for much of which was decorated in lavish illustrations and hieroglyphic texts

All photos can be downloaded as editorial royalty free images. Property Rights belong to the relevant museums.


