


Photo Prints of a Typical Attractive English Family Home

English Surfaces – An Enlishmans home is his castle – Art photo prints by photographer Paul E Williams.


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English Surfaces Photo Prints – A Need For A Safe Home & Family

English Surfaces Photo Prints – A Typical Attractive Middle Class English Family Home. Art photo prints by photographer Paul E Williams.

English Surfaces Photo Prints – A Typical Attractive Middle Class English Family Home. Art photo prints by photographer Paul E Williams.

English Surfaces s is a series of photo exploring England and the English and what makes them want to create a fortress Britain. Photo art prints by Paul E Williams.

The one thing one learns by travelling to what are thought of as dangerous parts of the world, is that all people want the same thing. They want a safe environment with a job that provides enough cash for their family. They want to be comfortable enough to allow to play a role in their community. This used to be a core British value until Margret Thatcher persuaded the British to become petit capitalists and, invest in property and ISA’s and pension funds.

Today debt and fear rule Britain and it is growing. Fear is the bed rock of capitalism and the mechanism it uses to lever the last penny out of everyone pockets. Capitalism encourages individualism and isolation. We can go back to living in a community anytime we choose. All we have to do is open the prisons we call home and join together again. It’s that easy.

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