


Photos of the Fascinating Ancient Lycian Art Antiquities

Photos of the Fascinating Ancient Lycian Art Antiquities, including Lycian chamber tombs and Lycian Sarcophagus. Photos by photographer Paul E Williams. (TIP – use the icons below the slideshow for thumbnail photos and info)

Photos of the Fascinating Lycian Art Antiquities

Photos of the Fascinating Ancient Lycian Sites & Art Antiquities.

Foundation of Lycia

By 1300 B.C, Lycia had emerged as a confederation of fiercely independent city states along the high mountains of Agean coast between Fethiye and Antalya.

Lycian Ancient Greek Influences on Lycian Art Antiquities

From the 5th or 4th centuries BCE, Lycia came under increasing Greek social and political influences. The Lycian language became extinct and was replaced by Ancient Greek, some time around 200 BC.

Lycian Sarcophagus Designs

Lycian sculpture and architecture follows the style of the Ancient Greeks. The shoes of Lycian Sacrophagi are unique to the Lycians. The Tomb of Payava from Xanthos typifies Lycian Sarcophagus design. It is an oblong square sided sarcophagus with elongated height. The sacophagus has a curved pitched roof that coms to a central point. Its sides have registers of sculpted panels. A simplified example of Lycian sarcophagus design can be seen in the Paros Marble Lycian Sarcophagus from the Royal Necropolis of Sidon.

Lycian Pillar Tombs

Lycian Pillar tombs with Lycian Sacrophagus  set on high rectangular towers were built in Lycian city centres. An example is the The Lycian Harpy Tomb, a marble pillar tomb from 480-470 B.C. The the sides are carved with Greek Archaic style carvings of four winged female Harpies figures. This is now housed in the British Museum.


