


Photos of the Roman Hierapolis Pamukkale Archaeological Site

Photos of the Roman Hierapolis Pamukkale Archaeological Site. Hieropolis Archeology Museum & Pamukkale Travertine Water Terrace. Photos by Photographer Paul E Williams. (TIP – use the icons below the slideshow for thumbnail photos and info)

Photos of the Roman Hierapolis Pamukkale Archaeological Site

Photos of the Hierapolis Pamukkale Archaeological Site. Hieropolis Archeology Museum & Pamukkale Travertine Water Terrace, Turkey.

Unique Archaeological Site

Hieropolis Pamukkale is the most unusual Greco-Roman archaeological site anywhere. At first sight it appears to be half water theme park and half archeological site. This is because Hierapolis is an ancient Spa City that traces its roots back to Classical Phrygia when it was the sacred site of Cybele.

Pamukkale Water Terraces

From a distance Hieropolis Pamukkale stands out as a bright white scar running down a high valley hillside. These are natural travertine water terraces that formed from a hot mineral spring.

Over the millennia the pools were managed to create large pools as thermal baths. What seems to be cascading terraces of natural travertine pools are in fact man made or ma helped.

The thermal water is allowed to flow into areas and start to form its calcite deposits. The water is then diverted to other area while the calcite in the first hardens, and the process continues. With a little wall building the pools slowly devote for bathers.

Hieropolis Pamukkale Founders

Hieropolis Pamukkale was founded by the Attalid kings of Pergamon at the end of the 2nd century BC. Its name was derived from Hiera, the beautiful wife of Telephos, the legendary founder of Pergamum. In 133 BC Attalus III died and he bequeathed his kingdom to Rome so Hierapolis became part of the Roman Asian Province.

Roman Hieropolis Pamukkale

The Roman bath was at the centre of Roman Elite culture so Hierapolis was developed into a spa resort becoming a sacred city (hieron).

Emperor Tiberius rebuilt and enlarged the thermal baths of Hierapolis circa 14 AD but the city was destroyed by an earthquake in 60 AD and rebuilt again.

Hieropolis Theatre

Hieropolis Theatre was probably constructed under the reign of Hadrian after the earthquake of 60 AD and other Roman period ruins include baths, temples, a monumental arch, a nymphaeum, and a necropolis.

Hierapolis reached its peak of importance in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD and remained a thermal resort until 1334 when it was once again destroyed by an earthquake and abandoned.

Hieropolis Necropolis

The Northern Necropolis of Hierapolis contains sarcophagi that date back 2000 years to its Pergamon founders. The Necropolis covers a vast site with huge monumental tombs of the wealthy families of Hierapolis.

Saint Philip

In 80 AD St Philip was martyred in Hierapolis and when Christianity became the official Roman religion the town was made a bishopric. In the 5th century AD an octagonal church, the Martyrium or Martyrdom of St Phillip, was built on the site of his martyrdom and his tomb stands nearby.

Hierapolis became a site of early Christian pilgrimage and an important religious centre for the Eastern Roman Empire.


