


Photos of the Beautiful Gothic Sculpture & Statue Art

Photos of the Beautiful Gothic Sculpture & Statue Art from the great museums and Gothic Historic Places of Europe . Photos by Photographer Paul E Williams.    (TIP – use the icons below the slideshow for thumbnail photos and info)

Photos of the Beautiful Gothic Sculpture & Statue Art

Photos of Medieval Gothic Sculpture & Statues from Gothic Sites & Museums of Europe.

Gothic Sculpture & Statue Art

The Gothic period is essentially defined by Gothic architecture, and does not entirely fit with the development of style in sculpture in either its start or finish. The facades of large churches, especially around doors, continued to have large tympanums, but also rows of sculpted figures spreading around them.

Gothic Sculpture & Statue Become Free Standing

The statues on the Western (Royal) Portal at Chartres Cathedral (c. 1145) show an elegant but exaggerated elongation statues, whilst those on the south transept portal, from 1215–20, show a more naturalistic style and increasing detachment from the wall behind them. The later Gotihic starts to show an awareness of the ancient Greek classical tradition.

Secular Gothic Sculpture & Statue Art

The production of small sculpted Gothic carvings, for a mainly lay and often female market, became a considerable industry in Paris and some other centres. Manny were made from ivory and included: small devotional polyptychs: single figures, especially of the Virgin: mirror-cases: combs and elaborate caskets with scenes from Romances, often used as engagement presents.

Gothic sculpture began to become independent freestanding statues for the first time, as Greco Roman statues were in classical antiquity. The earlier Romanesque sculptures were part of buildings architectural ornament


