


Photos of the Gothic Ivory Sculpted Diptych & Panel Art

Photos of the Beautiful Medieval Gothic Ivory Sculpted Diptych & Panel Art. Photos by Photographer Paul E Williams.    (TIP – use the icons below the slideshow for thumbnail photos and info)

Photos of the Beautiful Medieval Gothic Ivory Sculpted Diptych & Panel Art.

Photos of Medieval Gothic Ivory Diptychs & Panels from the Louvre Museum Paris.

Gothic Ivory Diptychs & Panels

In the 14th century Gothic Diptych panels were carved out of Ivory. They depicted Christian religious scene from the stories of the Bible or of saints lives. They were used for personal devotional prayers.

The intricate detail achieved on the diptych panels demonstrates the skill of the artisans of the Middle ages. The diptych composed of two panels that close together for transport.


