


Photos of the Beautiful Medieval Sant Antonio Abate Pelugo 

Photos of the Beautiful Medieval Fresco paintings of Sant Antonio Abate Pelugo, Italy. Photographer Paul E Williams.    (TIP – use the icons below the slideshow for thumbnail photos and info)

Photos of the Medieval Fresco of Sant Antonio Abate Pelugo,

Photos of the Medieval Fresco Paintings of the church of St. Anthony the Abbott (Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Abate), Pelugo, Italy.

Church of Sant Antonio Abate Pelugo

The charming small Gothic church of San Antonio Abate at Pelugo dates from the 9th century. The catholic church had a tradition of fresco paintings on their churches and cathedrals which were intended to be a “Biblia pauperum” or a poor mans Bible in pictures. These were intended to educate the illiterate masses of the era in th liturgy of the church.

Frescoes of Sant Antonio Abate Pelugo

The frescoes on the Sant Antonio Abate Pelugo were started in 1474 by the  Baschenis family. There is an accomplished fresco of St. Anthony and St Anthony the Abbott above the main entrance. The painting is signed and dated. The fresco was painted by Cristoforo I Baschenis whose family were well known in the area as travelling painters. It is a schematic work with bright red and orange tones. St. Antonio is seated on a throne with his canonical pastoral symbols of a small bell and a piglet.

The Baschenises Family of Painters

Originating from Bergamo the Baschenises were responsible for paintings on many of the churches in their valley as well as the valleys of the western Trentino.

Other Frescoes of Sant Antonio Abate Pelugo

Other paintings on the facade of Sant Antonio Abate Pelugo are by Antonio Baschenis, Dionisio Baschenis, Christoforo II Baschenis and Filipo I Baschenis.

On the facade of Sant Antonio Abate Pelugo is a painting of the Madonna and child ( Madonna con il Bambino ) which is attributed to Antonio Baschenis. On the South wall of the church is a great cycle of paintings that traces the life of San Antonio Abate.

In total Sant Antonio Abate Pelugo has 30 paintings of which the best preserved are those of the top register that have been protected by the wide eves of the church roof. These paintings are attributed to Dionisio Baschenis and were probably painted around 1493.

The style of these paintings at Sant Antonio Abate Pelugo is simple and direct so as not to confuse the evangelical message that they were intended to impart.


