


Photos of the Beautiful Medieval Zagreb Cathedral

Photos of the Historic Beautiful Medieval Zagreb Cathedral, Croatia. Photos by photographer Paul E Williams.    (TIP – use the icons below the slideshow for thumbnail photos and info)

Photos of the Historic Beautiful Medieval Zagreb Cathedral, Croatia.

Photos of the Medieval Zagreb Cathedral & St. Mark’s Church, Zagreb Croatia.

The Foundation of Zagreb Cathedral

In 1093 King Ladislaus I of Hungary (1040-1095) moved the bishop’s chair from Sisak to Zagreb. Construction on the cathedral started shortly after his death in 1095 and was finished in 1217. It was consecrated by king Andrew II of Hungary and is dedicated to the Assumption of Mary and to kings Saint Stephen and Saint Ladislaus. The Zagreb Cathedral was destroyed by the Mongols in 1242 but rebuilt by bishop Timothy (1263–1287) a few years later.

Location of Zagreb Cathedral

Zagreb Cathedral is situated in the Upper Town Kaptol area of Zagreb. It is the second tallest building in Croatia and the most monumental Cathedral built in the Gothic style southeast of the Alps. It. Zagreb Cathedral is typically Gothic, as is its sacristy, which is of great architectural value. Its prominent spires are visible from most parts of the city. 


