


Photos of the Beautiful Monreale Cathedral Mosaic Art

Photos of the Beautiful Monreale Cathedral Mosaic Art Sicily. Fabulous Byzantine Roman style of the Monreale Cathedral. Photos by photographer Paul E Williams.  (TIP – use the icons below the slideshow for thumbnail photos and info)

Photos of the Beautiful Monreale Cathedral Mosaic Art Sicily.

Photos of the Great Norman Cathedral of Monreale Mosaics, Sicily.

The building of the Cathedral of Monreale was begun in 1174 by William II, and in 1182 the church, dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was finished.

The Building of Monreale Cathedral

Monreale was built by William II Sicily in a bid to weaken the power of the Palermo Cardinals by creating a great cathedral outside the city.

The inside surfaces of Moreale Cathedral are covered throughout with Byzantine style mosaics. These cover a staggering 6,500 m² of wall space.

Christ Pantocrator Mosaic

Over the altar is a huge Byzantine style mosaic of Christ Pantocrator. Christ is depicted from the waste up. His arms are outstretched. In his left hand he holds an open Bible.

His right had is making the Greek Orthodox Chi Rho blessing sign. His Thumb is touching his third finger and two forefingers are outstretched. This makes the shape of of the Greek letters Chi Rho one of the earliest forms of Christogram, and used by Emperor Constantine as a military standard. 

In the two registers below Christ in the Apse are depictions of the Virgin Mary accompanied by the Saints.

Monreale Cathedral Mosaic Byzantine Style

The mosaics of Monreale are typical of Byzantine art. The mosaic panels depict scenes with figures against a gold background. This makes the whole cathedral interior glow. When all the candles are lit in the cathedral the whole space would twinkle with the reflections.

Monreale Cathedral Mosaic Scenes from the Bible & New Testament

The Monreale Naive Mosaics depict scenes from the Book of Genesis on the upper registers. Below these are registers depiction scenes  from the New Testament, chiefly representing Christ’s miracles and suffering, with apostles, evangelists and other saints. 

Between the pillars are scenes inspired by the Menologion of Basil II which was an illuminated manuscript designed as an Eastern Orthodox Church service book (menologion), compiled for the Byzantine Emperor Basil II in 1000 AD.

Tomb of William II

In Monreale Cathedral are the Tombs of William I, Williams II his wife and two sons.

The Monreale Cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


