


Photos of the Georgian Monastery Ubisi St George Fresco

Photos of the Georgian Monastery Ubisi St George Fresco. Byzantine style Georgian Fresco Paintings. Photos by photographer Paul E Williams.  (TIP – use the icons below the slideshow for thumbnail photos and info)

Photos of the Georgian Monastery Ubisi St George Fresco

Photos of Ubisi St. George Georgian Orthodox Medieval Monastery Fresco Paintings, 1141, Ubisa, Republic of Georgia.

Ubisi St. George monastery is located in a deep valley close to the Tblisi highway. Founded in the 9th century by St. Grigol (Gregory) of Khandzta under the patronage of King of Abkhazs Demetre II.

Ubisi St. George Design

The Ubisi St. George church, 1141 AD, has a single nave with a barrel vaulted roof and a single apse with an altar.

The exterior of the church is not decorated and there is a simple bell tower close to its east end. The bell tower also doubles as a defensive tower and it is accessed by a door on the second floor.

Fresco Paintings of Ubisi St. George

The fresco paintings inside Ubisi St. George church are beautifully preserved with some damage to the face of Christ in the apse. They are painted in a local byzantine style known as Palaeologus, after the Byzantine Emperor of that name. The frescoes were painted by Gerasim, a local artist.

Christ Pantocrator Frescoes

The apse frescoes depict an enthroned Christ Pantocrator giving the Orthodox “Chi Rho” blessing with the fingers of his right hand. Christ is surrounded by saints. Below is a fresco of the Last Supper.

The frescoes of the barrel vaulted ceiling depict Christ in a mandorla with scenes from his life. Faces of saints in medallions decorate the ceiling ribs.

On the side walls are frescoes of a Georgian King and Queen, presumably King of Abkhazs Demetre II who endowed the monastery.


