


Photos of the Roman Byzantine Mosaic of San Vitale Ravenna

Photos of the Roman Byzantine Mosaic of San Vitale Ravenna. Fabulous Byzantine style mosaics of the Basilica of San Vitale. Photos by photographer Paul E Williams. (TIP – use the icons below the slideshow for thumbnail photos and info)

Photos of the Roman Byzantine Mosaic of San Vitale Ravenna

Photos of the Byzantine Roman Mosaics of the Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy.

Basilica of San Vitale

The Basilica of San Vitale was founded in 526 AD and was took over 20 years to complete. Its conception took place when Ravenna was under early Ostrogoth Rule who were Arian Christians.

Mosaic of San Vitale Ravenna

The apse of the Basilica of San Vitale is completely decorated with mosaic. The general mosaic themes depict scenes from the Bible such as the Sacrifice of Abraham.

Arian Depiction of Christ

In the ceiling of the apse is a depiction of a young beardless Christ sitting on a globe. He is offering the Martyrs crown with his right hand to San Vitale. On his left is an angel and Bishop Ecclesius who is offering a model of the Basilica of San Vitale.

This depiction of Christ is very different from the later depictions of a bearded Christ. Arian Christians did not depict a bearded Christ. This can also be seen in the mosaic roof or the Arian Baptistry in Ravenna. The Goths and Vandals and Visigoths were all Arians Christians.

Justinian & Theodore Mosaic of San Vitale Ravenna

In 547 Ravenna was retaken by the Roman Byzantine Empire for a short period and was ruled by the Exarchate of Ravenna. Two mosaic panels were added to the apse side walls of the Basilica of San Vitale. One depicts the Roman Emperor of the time, Justinian I, and on the opposite apse wall a mosaic depicting his Empress Theodore. Both Justinian and Theodore are depicted with a saint like quality with Golden halos.

Characteristic of Byzantine Roman mosaics, the background of the panels is flat gold. Justinian gazes out from the mosaic panels with total confidence of his status as ruler of the Roman Empire.

Theodore is shown with all her worldly goods and jewellery and is about to take a cup of wine from an attendant.

Neither Justinian of Theodore saw these mosaic panels as as Theodoric the Great retook Ravenna and founded the Ostrogothic Kingdom or Kingdom of Italy.

Along with other churches with Byzantine Roman mosaics in them, the Basilica of San Vitale is a world heritage site.


